SQL Report

Page generated in 0.0573 seconds with 17 queries + 4 queries returning data from cache

Time spent on mysql4 queries: 0.0152s | Time spent on PHP: 0.04206s

Query #1
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.01998s | After: 0.02033s | Elapsed: 0.00035s

Query #2
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLE       Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

Before: 0.02407s | After: 0.02429s | Elapsed: 0.00023s

Query #3
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.02547s | After: 0.02573s | Elapsed: 0.00026s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.02613s | After: 0.02646s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00033s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00033s

Query #5

Affected rows: 0 | Before: 0.02681s | After: 0.02705s | Elapsed: 0.00023s

Query #6

Before: 0.02720s | After: 0.02744s | Elapsed: 0.00024s

Query #7
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEphpbb_sessionsrangesession_time,session_user_idsession_time4 2387Using index condition; Using where

Before: 0.02780s | After: 0.03836s | Elapsed: 0.01055s

Query #8
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Before: 0.03905s | After: 0.03921s | Elapsed: 0.00016s

Query #9
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEphpbb_topicsrangeforum_id,forum_id_type,last_post_time,topic_approved,forum_appr_last,fid_time_movedfid_time_moved7 681Using index condition; Using where

Before: 0.03958s | After: 0.03982s | Elapsed: 0.00024s

Query #10
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEfrangePRIMARYPRIMARY3 1Using index condition

Before: 0.04020s | After: 0.04048s | Elapsed: 0.00028s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.04246s | After: 0.04262s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00017s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00024s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.04339s | After: 0.04395s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00057s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00056s

Query #13
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEpreftopic_id,post_approved,tid_post_timetid_post_time3const9Using where

Before: 0.04557s | After: 0.04579s | Elapsed: 0.00023s

Query #14
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEzsystemPRIMARY    const row not found
1SIMPLEprangePRIMARY,poster_idPRIMARY3 10Using index condition

Before: 0.04629s | After: 0.04681s | Elapsed: 0.00053s

Query #15
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEphpbb_langsystemlang_iso   1 

Before: 0.04962s | After: 0.04976s | Elapsed: 0.00014s

Query #16
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLE       Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables

Before: 0.05007s | After: 0.05023s | Elapsed: 0.00016s

Query #17
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEphpbb_profile_fields_datasystemPRIMARY   1 

Before: 0.05048s | After: 0.05061s | Elapsed: 0.00013s

Query #18
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEphpbb_sessionsrangesession_user_idsession_user_id3 4Using index condition

Before: 0.05092s | After: 0.05111s | Elapsed: 0.00019s

Query results obtained from the cache

Before: 0.05143s | After: 0.05161s | Elapsed [cache]: 0.00018s | Elapsed [db]: 0.00018s

Query #20
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra

Affected rows: 1 | Before: 0.05485s | After: 0.05505s | Elapsed: 0.00020s

Query #21
IdSelect TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
1SIMPLEsrangesession_time,session_user_idsession_time4 76Using index condition; Using where; Using temporary; Using filesort

Before: 0.05549s | After: 0.05659s | Elapsed: 0.00110s